

I went to Caltech for my undergraduate studies. At the time, I didn't realize how awesome the feat of being admitted into Caltech was. To me, at the time, it was more of an "of course" than a fantastic achievement.

These days, looking back, I'm stunned at the hubris of my youth. The only "of course" I see from that thinking is, "of course, you have no concept of your own limitations and failings." Four years at Caltech didn't quite fix those delusions.

They've since been removed, such that when I see things like this:

I now appropriately think, "Holy f---!" and take a moment to appreciate my fortunes. I am grateful for the opportunities I have, and for the chances others take with me when I asked to speak. I said "I have something to say!" and Fluent agreed. I greatly appreciate and thank them for selecting my talk out of the other 380+ talks they could have chosen, and for giving me that opportunity. I appreciate all of the opportunities I've had to share what I've learned. It's a great feeling.

I am blessed. I am blessed and I am grateful in ways I wasn't as a kid.

Let us be to the going


Let us be to the going,
For my heart is now broken,
And this world holds my breath in its hands.

Let us be to the going,
Knowing the sun has now sunken,
And the cold comes too fast to these lands.

Let us be to the going,
And remember our folly,
Each moment but part of the sands.

Let us be to the going.

If you're attending my Fluent talk, Automating ALL THE FRONT-END THINGS!

A note I sent maybe too late:

I'm excited you're attending the Automate ALL THE FRONT-END THINGS! workshop. We'll be discussng Sass and Grunt, during the workshop, with hands-on editing and updates of a practice site. If you can, install node and ruby before the workshop.

Node is easy to install. Go to http://nodejs.org/ click the install link and run the installer. This works on Mac, Linux and Windows.

Ruby is a little more complicated, but not much. First, see if you have it already installed: in a Terminal window, type "which ruby" and "ruby --version" If the first one returns a value and the second returns a version, you're good. If you're on a Windows box, use "where" instead of "which".

If you need to install ruby, on a Mac, you can use Homebrew (brew.sh) with $ brew install ruby, or RVM https://rvm.io. If you are nervous on the command line, use JewelryBox https://unfiniti.com/software/mac/jewelrybox

If you're on a Linux box, you can use apt or yum to install ruby (sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1) or RVM https://rvm.io.

If you're on a Windows box, use RubyInstaller http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ or Pik https://github.com/vertiginous/pik

I'll review both of these at the beginning of the workshop. If you haven't installed these on your laptop, you'll have a chance to do so as I talk about the guiding principles of making workflows awesome.

Sometimes you have to say yes to your inner 10 year old child


Yes, sometimes you have to say yes to your inner 10 year old child.

Especially when she wants stickers.

Chrome show IP address


Oddly, Chrome developer tools don't have a "show IP address" option. I say "oddly" because it is a fundamental check that developers do when checking cached items on round-robin DNS servers.

Anyway, via http://superuser.com/questions/633714/how-to-get-remote-ip-in-google-chrome-browser, the ShowIP address plugin / extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/showip/agoljmemkbciolpigpabjfkagboolkcj gives you the IP address in both IP4 and IP6. They are shown in the bottom right. Whoo.

Unfortunately, this won't help me for the odd edge cache served asset, unless I load only it, which is a little more annoying, but still completely doable.

I prefer Firefox's display of all of the IP address for each asset of the request. Sometimes I'm not working in Firefox.

Regardless, odd problem solved (and I can close that tab! yay!).
