Jonathan and I flying over Wellington


Webstock Wind


The wind was something at the Webstock speakers camp.

The Honorable Kathryn Hodsden


Or as Kris says, "I didn't go to Judge School for five years to be called Miss."

When booking my tickets, I was required to specify an honorific. My choices were "Mr." "Mrs." "Miss" "Dr." and "Hon". Given those choices being marked for a woman (a woman must declare her marriage status, when a man does not), I thought screw it, I'm going as a Judge.

Problem was, the people at the check-in counter thought my first name was Hon and had troubles reconciling my passport with my ticket. Heaven forbid a woman is not a Miss or a Mrs when coming through the line. If they weren't going to respect the Honorable honorific, why include it?

Fundamentally, though, the Hodsden Orneriness bit me in the ass. Again.

World War Z

Book Notes

Having read Mira Grant's Feed Trilogy, er, Newsflesh trilogy, with Feed, Deadline and Blackout, I have to say, I'm enjoying zombie apocalypse books more than I expected to enjoy them. Those three are great, if you want a good zombie series. With the movie World War Z out, I thought, well, hey, let's read the book.

And to my surprise, I enjoyed the book, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War a lot. More than I was expecting to enjoy it.

The book is a collection of interviews, as told to a reporter who published them when he realized they wouldn't be included in a report about the zombie apocalypse. The interviews go from the first responders for patient zero, through denial and folly of what was happening, through the eventual figuring out how things work, to recovery. The writing style is quick and enjoyable, yet the interviews are in different voices, something often hard to do with a writing structure with many people speaking. I liked how the stories tied in, with some interviews referencing other interviewees and some interviewees reinterviewed years later.

For a quick zombie book, this one is great. Worth all the positive reviews it received.
