How can I make a workout harder?


I'm trying to figure out how I could have possibly made my workout at ASA harder. Let's see, I have a broken rib (okay, mostly strained, with the ligaments/cartilege between the last fixed rib and the first floating rib traumatized), migraine number seven this afternoon, that time of the month yesterday, I haven't exercised much in the last three weeks, and I ate a half sandwich just before I went over to ASA.

I wasn't actually planning on working out, but G's attitude is so infectious, so encouraging, that I just had to try. I did okay, but I'm definitely out of shape.

Yet, I'm still not sure show I could have made the workout any harder.

Dancing lights


It's 4:45 in the morning. I've been up all night trying to launch the new UPA website. I'm tired. I know I'm tired. I'm actually quite close to exhaustion. But I need to get (most) of this done. I'm finishing up the last details on the site, and writing the basic documentation for using the site.

A few minutes ago, a dancing light played in my vision. It was, um, interesting. It was a bright, bright pinpoint light that displayed at top middle of my vision. When I looked up, expecting to see a dust particle, it moved. So, I followed it, as it danced in my vision. It lasted all of maybe two seconds, but it was amazing to watch. Very, very bright, and small.

I hope it's not a migraine signal. Could be. Though, the count is currently 6-4, as of yesterday (okay, okay, maybe 6-4.5).

Is this 5, or 4?


Sho' 'nuff, it's a doozie. This one has zapped my motivation and added large amounts of pain to my day. Officially, this is number five for the year, but number 4 wasn't a real one. It was over before I knew it started, and there was no pain involved.

As of this point, I'm going to call that half one merely break-through bleeding and be done with this half thing. I declare the count to officially be 6 to 4.

I'll take a half rack, please


The current rib diagnosis is that there is no break, but possible fracture in the last floating rib, and a definite ligament strain with the last fixed rib.

I'm not completely convinced of this, as several ribs have large calcium deposits on the sides. At least four of them have large, hard lumps on the side. The lumps are all along the side, nominally in a vertical line.

So, maybe a few more are injured than we thought.

Running again!


I'm so thrilled! I went for a run today. The first real run in over two weeks. And my ribs didn't hurt. Joy of joys! I can run.

I liken this wonderful experience to the "you don't know what you have until you've lost it" syndrome. Running hurt, so I didn't run. I couldn't run, so I became grumpy from lack of exercise. (yes, yes, you're thinking, but you could have walked or rode a bike, and yes, I could have. But neither is my exercise of choice, and so I chose not to exercise.)

Of course, number 5 of the year is raging close, so the run wasn't as long or pain-free as I would have liked, but at least it was a run. Joy!
