Madame Bovary

Book Notes

I swear, Rails is gaslighting me


I add a test and run it. It fails. Fine, I walk through the code, step by step, line by line, and figure out where the error is.

I add unneeded parentheses to the return statement and run the test again. It passes. Great!

I remove the unneeded parentheses, and run the test. It fails. Okay.

I put the parentheses back in, commit the change, and create a pull request.

The reviews come in. These parentheses aren't needed.

Yes, they are, it fails without them.


Um, let me confirm.

Remove the parentheses. Run test. It passes. GDI.

Commit the changes, push the updated pull request, all the tests pass.

I look dumb for having added the extra parentheses.

Block pinterest from pinning your stuff


From Pinterest's docs, you can specifically prevent pinterest from pinning content from your site.

<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin" />

Mine reads thus:

<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin" description="Posting to Pinterest from is a violation of Pinterest's ToS. Why are you unlawfully trying to put my stuff there?" />

Live it or lose it


An aunt of mine had her birthday this past weekend. She's the next generation older than I am, so I asked her,

Now that you've hit middle age, what advice can you give me?

I love her answer:

Live it or lose it.

Live the life you have, make it a good one, or lose the opportunity to make a life worth living.

Yep. My aunt (all of them) is awesome.

"But now I want to."

