Price going up


Somehow, I have to believe if your house hasn't sold in four months, raising the price by 30k isn't really the way to sell it faster.

Maybe that's just me.

Tonight's ultimate game


I went to play ultimate tonight. I've been finding playing very difficult these days, for a number of reasons. I'm out of shape. I'm not playing with people I've known for years, so my jokes fall flat and, let's face it, there's no butt smacking or tan line comparisons or group hugs when the people you play with are also your coworkers. I'm also not nearly as committed to playing as I used to be, so my energy level is surprisingly low.

That, and the field we usually play on doesn't have a toilet anywhere handy.


Today, a teammate needed nail clippers and I had mine in the car, so I ended up warming up beyond my usual lap or two around the field. Instead I warmed up by running back to the car to grab the clippers. It gave me time to think about my fitness and enthusiasm levels. It gave me time for Sage Kitt to surface and talk to me in a way I needed, in a way I would listen.

No, really.


Well, shit.

With this goal of "read more" my site has become a book review site.

Which, again, bites.

Really, I've been doing more than just read books. I've been uh.... writing one! Co-authoring, actually. It's going to be great, if only because of the intense work, and the hack-days approach of GETTING SHIT DONE that is just so awesome.

I've also dealt with the house, oh god, overwhelming the house. In doing so, I managed to address a conflict head-on, which worked out pretty well. I've been trying the discussion techniques presented in Crucial Conversations, and really appreciate how much they have helped me in conflict resolution as well as personal well-being. I'm not at 100% excellent, but I'm closer to being able to have conversations when I'm 98% pissed off, which IS excellent progress.

Introvert Advantage

Book Notes

Mid-book thoughts
I'm struggling a little bit with the part of the book that links thrill-seeking, dopamine resistant genetics with extroversion. The author has a section that talks about how thrill seekers have lower dopamine sensitivity and seek out novel, often dangerous, activities to alleviate boredom. My difficulty with this idea is that if introversion is building energy from the inside (instead of extroversion of absorbing energy from the outside), seeking novelty is orthogonal to introversion. Okay, if not orthogonal, at least not a causation as she seems to indicate.

Recognizing that a data point of one is the same as a data point of none, and that my experiences aren't necessarily reflective of a whole, blah blah blah, I find myself seeing experiences outside of my comfort zone, in the area of discomfort the author says thrill-seeking extroverts thrive. I don't seek thrills or need to do dangerous stunts to believe that I'm alive, but I do want experiences, to live life fully.

Maybe it's because I have trained myself to be outside of my comfort zone, and that training means that my natural state is OUTSIDE of it. Maybe I'm not comfortable IN a comfort zone, which is one of the weirdest things to say about an introvert.

I'm not sure. Have to think on this more. I will say that I had to reread the section several times, pondering it. I don't agree with it. I think she found a correlation, not a causation.

More mid-book reading, I've stalled on this book, based on the irrelevancy of some of the content. In particular, introverts dating. The advice isn't relevant to me.

End of book thoughts



Well, today is the day the streak ends.

For 569 days in a row I have communicated with my mom. Some days we exchanged "Good morning!" texts, and that was it. Some days, we hiked along a volcano ridge together. Most days, it was in between. Technology has helped us connect every day for five hundred, sixty-nine days in a row.

Today, Mom is out of reach.

And the streak is broken.

I sent her a text anyway. She'll be back in a few days, and we can try again.

In the meantime, Dad and I are up to 65 days in a row. We aren't as consistent.

