I need a subscription


"Kitt will enjoy this."

He hands me a bag.

I open it, and pull out the magazine inside.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo!" I say, and start reading.

"You know that magazine?" she asks.

"You don't?" I respond.


*blink* *blink*

"Well, that answers that question."

Wait. This too?


This is a genre now?




Seriously now, there's a genre of books called "Teen Paranormal Romance" now?


I wonder if they are all "he's so perfect, I'm so worthless," teach them to get pregnant when they're 18 because all babies are f'ing *perfect angels* ALL-THE-TIME crap.


At least Christopher Pike varied his monsters.


Visiting Mom


I flew out to Arizona today to hang out with Mom on my way to Austin for TXJS this weekend I usually fly two round trips through Phoenix when my flights require a layover in Phoenix, and just extend the layover to a day or so stop over and visit. It's a nice way to see Mom, it means I see her more frequently than I normally would, and, well, that's aways a good thing.

I had other motivations, not the least was having someone to talk with about the many things going on with my life. I wanted someone so outside of my world that judgment would be difficult, as would being anything but objective. When a friend comes in and starts ranting, you side with her, because she's a friend and you want to help her. When a stranger comes in and starts ranting, well, you tell her to shut the fuck up and fix the problem. I needed that latter more than anything else at this point.

Cuteness overload


So, right, Ben is in town today. He arrived last night and spent much of his day in the East Bay with the many many folk of a previous (now incredibly profitable) startup he worked with years and years ago. Since he was around for dinner, he asked around to see who was also available. Most everyone was playing ultimate, celebrating birthdays (totally awesome, Happy Birthday, Megan!), or just out on such a short notice for his visit (we found out on Tuesday that he was coming into town, as he was thinking about if he could make it or not).

Heather and Vinny, on the other hand, were available, with two of the three in their household barely over being ill. Which means, yes, that's right, Daphne Time!
