Ooooo New Glass!


Jonathan and I are in Ghent staying at an absolutely delightful AirBnB. Our food adventures continue.

I managed to convince Jonathan to let me photograph his hair (his beautiful, lovely, long hair) in a fan. We walked around the lovely city. We didn't sit on the porch, but we had an amazing dinner.

I've becoming enamored with the glasses at the apartment. I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to find some for myself when we return home.



In a valiant attempt to recreate delight, we fanned his hair out. He was gracious enough to allow me to photograph it.

Jonathan with his hair fanned out

The Consuming Fire

Book Notes

When the world is breaking down, scientists might be the scapegoats.
Location: 2,691

Hooboy, and tragically yes.

Book two of Scalzi's Interdependency series, this book continues Cardenia Wu-Patrick's reign as Emperox, along with the scheming Houses and the deteriorating Flow. We have political intrigues, sure. We have stunningly intelligent and rational characters, sure. We have a complicated sociopolitical galactic infrastructure collapsing as the edges are cut off from the center, and the network disintegrates. And we have a love story of sorts.


I didn't like this book as much as I liked the first book. I love Scalzi's writing, and will continue to read near everything he publishes. I'll read the next (last?) book in the series. Strongly recommended if you're a Scalzi fan, worth reading if you're a sci-fi fan.

The early bishops were well aware that charismatic religions have a tendency to breed schisms and divisions, which is against the fundamental concept of interdependency.”
Location: 224

Lenson read all he could stand and found his interest draining away, slowly at first and more rapidly as time went on.
Location: 254

Lenson was also aware that the cynical could afford the luxury of their cynicism because of the stability of the system they mocked.
Location: 281

Death Count: 2


I mowed my lawn today.

This is not an action I do regularly. We have long standing stories in my family about Dad and his lawn and how long the grass grows before he mows. Extended family really, the stories are that grand and that amazing and that tall (the grass, not the tales). Let's just say that my penchant for not mowing the lawn is deeply, deeply rooted in my genetics.

The last time I mowed a lawn was for Mom and Eric. Their yard was really small, it was an easy mow. Nothing like the acre and a half of Dad's lawn.

Anyway, in an attempt not to piss off the neighbors (too much, and not past good-neighbor recovery), I borrowed Eric's lawnmower and mowed the part of my lawn that the sheep cannot reach, which is to say, my whole front yard.

The grass was high enough that, well, items can hide in the grass. Things. Nouns.

Which is to say, dead animals.

Adulting 202


"By the way, I have designated to you Power of Attorney for my health care."

"Then we should have a discussion about what your wishes are."
