

Nicole and I went to see the San Francisco Dogfish game today. Dogfish are the San Francisco team for the new Major League Ultimate professional ultimate frisbee league. I wasn't sure what to expect, but was very excited to go watch high-level ultimate.

Comfort food


I have noticed I have been seeking out comfort food a lot lately. I am unsurprised, however, given the confluence of events that have happened in the last eight months, some of them of my own making, others not. While chocolate is my usual go-to comfort food, I eat it regularly enough that the low level comfort it provides doesn't provide nearly the buffer needed to weather the most recent events.

And, so, grilled cheese sandwiches have become a frequent visitor to my dinner table.

So much so, that I am saddened by the closing of a hipster grilled-cheese (only?) sandwich shop in the Mission.

Saddened, and emboldened to become a master grilled-cheese-sandwich chef!

I've had a number of variations, but the one I like the most currently, and default to most easily, is the one Tom helped me build:

Channelling Bella


After Bella died, Annie sorta moped around a bit. She seemed at first excited about ALL THE ATTENTION, but then seemed to realize Bella was gone and moped. Cookie was around briefly to keep Annie company, but that didn't work out, so now she receives lots of attention from Kris, me when I'm around, and friends who stop by.


Daily Photo

Pioneer lemonade


I have no idea if we're actually going do Pioneer Month, where we survive a month eating only food we've grown or scavenged, but, well, today's lemonade would totally have qualified. The lemon "ice" cubes were made from juice from the trees in the front yard, and the sweetener was the honey from the last harvest.

Four lemon "ice" cubes, a knife dipped into the honey jar, water and a swirl.

I'm cracking up at my use of quotes around ice.
