
Tortilla press, in action.


Megan bought me a tortilla press, so we used it tonight at communal dinner (mmmmmmmm, tortillas - made the low-fat version instead of the full fat version, and they tasted surprisingly good).

With the press, instead of spending about 30 - 60 seconds per testales, we spent less than 15 seconds per (more like 5 seconds per), making dinner much more enjoyable for the cooks.

Downside? The hinge bolt is already about to give way.

How is it that the pictures look so crappy on the sidekick's screen, but turn out pretty well on the computer screen? Oh, yeah, crappy resolution on the LCD screen.

Ariel's family tortilla recipe

So that I can stop asking Ariel each time I want to make tortillas, allow me to finally (finally) put it somewhere I'll find it again.

Hi, all!

Here's the recipe for the tortillas I made at taco night last
week.  The recipe is from Ariel's mom - she said I could share
it with you.  :)


First I will give you the original recipe for flour tortillas that my
mother and mother-in-law used since they first began making them.  It
is higher in fat than the recipe we now use, but they are sooooo good.

4 cups unbleached flour (I like King Arthur)
2 teaspoons salt
2/3 cup shortening
about 1 1/2 cups warm water (my mother-in-law uses boiling water and so
  do I)

Mix flour and salt in a bowl; cut in shortening using a pastry blender
(my mother and I) or your fingers (my mother-in-law).  Add enough water
to make a soft dough; at this point the dough isn't particularly smooth.
It is better to have a dough that is too soft than one that is hard.